Evaluaction module
In short, it is about seeing the evolution of the student body
Control and evaluation of student activity
Each action of the students, such as entering the system, answering a message, registering a product, or finishing a task, is reflected in the activity wall (Teaching Panel).
These activities can be evaluated in a more "traditional" way or by Competences (RAs and CEs). For this, the platform offers a list of Learning Results and Evaluation Criteria for both middle and upper grade of the Administrative cycles. These lists can be modified and are the ones that can be used to evaluate each action of the students. From sending emails, uploading documents and carrying out assigned tasks. This precise evaluation of the students would be impossible without the integration of the Messaging, Tasks and Document Management Services, since the platform would not have record of what the students have done.
Individual reports
For each student, a report with different sections can be viewed, some for a more quantitative evaluation such as how many tasks are pending or closed, how many emails have been sent and it allows comparing them with the rest of the school's companies or their colleagues. br> Then there is the most qualitative part that is from the evaluations made previously and assigned (or not) to the competition.